EME2040 Blog Journal #1

     Hi! My name is Grace Craig and I am from Pennsylvania. I am a junior at FSU studying psychology with a minor in child development and education. Upon graduation, I hope to go on to obtain my masters in school psychology. I currently work at a daycare and love working with kids!

    Within an educational setting, my experience with technology primarily remains on a laptop. From elementary school to high school, my school district provided us with laptops each year that we could take home to use as our own. Therefore, I have become decently efficient with using my laptop. On my laptop, some of the applications I have used educationally include: canvas, google, gmail, canva, microsoft office, etc. I now also own an iPad that I also use for my education, particularly to write notes on the goodnotes application.  

    My PLN largely includes the tools I use for my education such as my professors, canvas, textbooks, google, etc. I have begun to expand the tools I use within my PLN because my goals have also expanded. I plan to apply to graduate school in Fall 2024. Therefore, I have began searching specific school websites that offer my program, the FSU career center, resume building websites, etc. My PLN has expanded over the years as I become connected to more learning resources. 



  1. Hi Grace! I have also heavily relied on Canvas, Google, and Microsoft office when it comes to being online and using my computer. Do you work at the FSU Daycare? If not or if so, how is working at the daycare? I am majoring in Human Development & Family Sciences and then minor in Education, so ours are kinda similar. Good luck and congrats on graduating next fall!


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